Remembrance Events

Just a reminder and an update of what is happening this weekend, over the period of Remembrance tide, I am sure that you are aware of the importance of Remembrance and the Poppy Appeal. As the Harefield Branch of the RBL works closely with St Marys Church who organise our Parades and services, we are lucky to have a full itinerary of events this weekend, so here is just a reminder of what is happening and which of course your help and attendance is much appreciated.

Get your Poppies. Poppy Appeal volunteers will be in the high street, and outside the CoOp on Saturday 11th November 2023 10:00 – 12:00. Poppies and other items will be available.  Please pop along and support them. 

Saturday 11th November 2023 10:45 am Service of remembrance at the war memorial, on the common.

Saturday 11th November 2023 4:00 pm A concert of Remembrance at St Marys Church, where stories of those from Harefield who gave their all for this country, read out by their descendants, often very moving. An event well worth attending.

Saturday 11th November 2023 8:00 pm The ever-popular singer Nicky Fisher, is doing a ” Remembrance set ” of songs in her performance at the Harefield Social Club.

Sunday 12th November 2023 10:30 am Church service at St Marys Church, with an 11:00 am act of Remembrance at the ANZAC Cemetery, with the last post and reveille.

Sunday 12th November 2023 3:00 pm Parade and Service of Remembrance at the War memorial on Harefield common form up at Church Hall, Harefield High Street at 2.30 pm.  Afterwards refreshments, buffet and entertainment from the two ‘good ol boys’ will be available in Harefield Social Club, please join us.

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